Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy is committed to updates on a quarterly basis providing both newly commissioned articles alongside revisions to older content. Providing fifty-four new or updated articles in the past year Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy is the most updated product on the market today.

The latest autumn update released on 17th October provides not just an update to the content but a fresh new look to the site which promises to make finding that perfect article even easier than before with additional filters allowing searching by ‘article’ and ‘status’. Archived editions of revised articles are now available free to view to non- subscribers allowing everyone to benefit from the resource.

An accessible and intuitive online platform, Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy brings together a huge amount of content across the subject of philosophy. Each article is written by one of thirty subject experts with an undergraduate in mind and there are playlists created by guest editors that pull together a selection of articles to provide an introduction to a topic area.

Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy contains over 2,700 articles and growing covering an unparalleled breadth and diversity of subject matter in Philosophy including world philosophies such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Chinese philosophy to new, cutting edge subjects such as philosophy of biology, physics and experimental philosophy. Each article is fully cross referenced and hyperlinked with suggestions of further reading where appropriate, providing the ideal starting point into the study of philosophy.

Examples of articles from Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy:

Newton, Isaac (1642–1727)
Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund (1903–69)
Critical theory
Smart, John Jamieson Carswell (1920–2012)
Universal language

When referencing the product, please include: Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, published by Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group).

*Learn more about Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism at: 

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