Taylor & Francis and the NCSL International (established in 1961 as the National Conference on Standards Laboratories) are pleased to announce their new partnership from 2016 to publish the Society’s prestigious journal NCSLI Measure. The NCSLI is an organization serving the world of measurement, promoting cooperative efforts for solving the common problems faced by measurement laboratories. NCSLI Measure is a scholarly journal, recognized as one of the leading journals in measurement science, and has been publishing primary and secondary measurement standards and techniques quarterly since 2006.

Taylor & Francis supports the mission of the NCSL International, and this partnership demonstrates our shared commitment to laboratory standards and establishing metrology standards which can be recognized internationally and across disciplines, ensuring quality in research. Both Taylor & Francis’s science team and NCSL International’s editorial team are excited to be working together on the ambitious plans they have developed for the journal’s future.

Hy D. Tran, PhD, PE, Editor-in-Chief of NCSLI Measure, comments, “There are many benefits to NCSLI and to Taylor & Francis’s new partnership. NCSLI is the leading organization for calibration laboratories, which spans not only the scientific metrology community, but also the business side of metrology and the metrology practitioner. Taylor & Francis, as a leading science and engineering publisher, helps us with not only the production workflow but also with providing the larger community with the awareness of how pervasive good metrology is in science, business, and society.”

Anthony F. Trioli, Editorial Director of US Science, Technology, and Medicine Journals at Taylor & Francis, adds, “We are extremely proud and excited to enter this publishing partnership with NCSL International. NCSLI Measure is a well-respected journal in the field of metrology, and will be a flagship publication in our program. We look forward to working closely with the NCSL International Board of Directors and Measure Editorial team to help support its mission and further grow its reputation among the measurement science community.”

The first issue of NSCLI Measure published by Taylor & Francis is available now (and is free to access) at www.tandfonline.com/ujms.