Taylor & Francis news

Access Taylor & Francis research easily on the move with Researcher

Readers can now keep track of the latest Taylor & Francis research on the go through their mobile devices, using the Researcher app.

Researcher makes keeping up to date with the latest published research simple with a social media-style personalised feed. The feed displays papers and data from a pre-selected list of journals and can be customised with keywords to only display the most relevant research for you.

Your Researcher account automatically syncs across platforms making sure you don’t miss out on new papers, and integration with Mendeley and Zotero means your bookmarked papers also automatically sync with your reference manager. The option to sign in to your institutional account enables immediate access to the journals your institution subscribes to.

“We’re delighted that through the Researcher app Taylor & Francis readers now have even more choice in how they access and read new research” says Leon Heward-Mills, Managing Director of Researcher Services, Taylor & Francis. “Researcher enables readers to easily keep up to date with the latest research developments as they happen, fostering ever faster, real-time links to enable research to progress forward.”

“We’re really excited to be able to bring Taylor & Francis’ scientific and scholarly content to our users around the globe. Our mission is to make it as easy as possible for scientists and researchers to stay on top of their field and have peace of mind that they’ll never miss an important paper. We’re excited to help get Taylor & Francis’ content in the hands of the researchers and academics who can use it to create scientific and societal impact”, added Olly Cooper, CEO of Researcher.

Researcher can be downloaded free from the Apple app store, Google Play or AppGallery by searching for “researcher”.

For further information, please contact:
Hristina Kamburova, Head of Marketing and Communications, Researcher
Email: hristina.kamburova@researcher-app.com
Follow Researcher on Twitter @researcherapp

Jodie Bell, Press & Media Relations Manager
Taylor & Francis Group
Email: newsroom@taylorandfrancis.com
Tel.: +44 (0)20 7017 6571
Follow us on Twitter: @tandfnewsroom