Eighth wonder of the world remains buried and gone
*Reposted from our partners at the Australian Science Media Centre and based on a press release produced by GNS Science*
The fate of the spectacular Pink and White Terraces of Lake Rotomahana has been contentious since they disappeared following the 1886 eruption of Mt Tarawera. Research last year, based on reverse engineering of an 1859 compass survey done by geologist Ferdinand von Hochstetter, suggested the terraces are buried partly on land. But in a new article published in the Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, scientists from GNS Science have reanalysed their earlier findings using photographs and maps produced by Hochstetter, alongside modern techniques like sonar, magnetic, seismic and underwater photography and concluded they can’t be on land. Their data suggests the White Terraces were largely destroyed in the eruption and remnants of the Pink Terraces lie at the bottom of Lake Rotomahana.