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First Annual Taylor & Francis Book and Digital Product Award Winners Announced

Taylor & Francis has announced the first annual Outstanding Book and Digital Product Awards! Taylor & Francis wants to recognize the well-written, high-quality content that our authors, editors and all team members worked so hard to produce in 2018. View all winners and shortlisted titles

One title per text type was put forth for the following: New Textbook, Revised Textbook, Professional, Reference, Handbook, Monograph, and Digital Products. Books and digital products from all profit centers were eligible. An internal review committee was assembled to evaluate all of the shortlisted entries and choose the Outstanding Text Types by Profit Center as well as:

  • 2018 Outstanding Book in STEM Award
  • 2018 Outstanding Book in HSS Award
  • 2018 Outstanding Digital Product Award

The list of book winners across the text type and digital product categories is a testimony to the curiosity that makes us want to understand the world, and the contribution of the scholarship and research embodied in our content to that understanding. We congratulate all of our winning titles and thank our authors for the outstanding content!

Titles chosen for the Outstanding Book in STEM and the Outstanding Book in HSS Awards perfectly capture one aspect of what is important about what we do: the application of high-level research to issues which impact us all.

  • The winner of the 2018 Outstanding Book in STEM goes to Brain-Computer Interfaces Handbook: Technological andTheoretical Advances by Chang S. Nam, Anton Nijholt, Fabien Lotte
    • Contact Editor: Cindy Carelli, Engineering
  • The winner of the 2018 Outstanding Book in HSS goes to Understanding How We Learn: A Visual Guide by Yana Weinstein, Megan Sumeracki,Oliver Caviglioli
    • Contact Editor: Clare Ashworth and Annamarie Kino-Wylam, Behavioral Sciences & Education

View the winners of the 2018 Outstanding Book and Digital Product in each category for each subject area below and read to find out more about them including the reasoning behind each of the judges decisions.

Revised Textbook Category

New Textbook Category

Monograph Category

Reference/Monograph Category

Professional Category

Handbook Category

Digital Products Category

2018 Book and Digital Product Awardswww.routledge.com/posts/15338

To request review copies please visit: http://pages.email.taylorandfrancis.com/review-copy-request

For Press Inquiries, interview or appearance requests, please contact: referenceauthor@tandf.co.uk