Book publication announcement

Harmonising the Head, Heart and Soul of Business

Imagine a world where we work 15 hours a week with greater access to leisure, pleasure and stimulation? We’ve been promised this for years, but the advent of computers has hermetically attached us to our iPods, iPads and office pods. The arrival of artificial intelligence offers us a one-time opportunity to break free of our addiction to working on the chain gang, although it is as yet unclear as to whether our merger with artificial intelligence will lead to a “War of the Worlds” or a harmonious fusion of man, woman and machine.

Brain Based Enterprises explores the role that innovation and creativity will play to help us survive and thrive in the 4th Industrial Revolution. This is not the age of steam, coal or manufacturing, but the information revolution, where value is created primarily through the intelligent combination of knowledge and wisdom. How shall we cope in a world where it has variously been predicted that up to 50% of our jobs will disappear in the next few decades?  What does that mean for education, where the half-life of knowledge is in free-fall? What will become of money in such a world?

Peter Cook is a unique hybrid of scientist, business academic and musician, blending hard analytical thinking with a creative twist that comes from the arts in his work at Human Dynamics and The Academy of Rock. His books are acclaimed by Professor Charles Handy, Tom Peters and Harvey Goldsmith CBE and he writes for Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin group.  Peter was responsible for leading pharmaceutical innovation teams to bring new products into existence including the World’s first treatment for HIV / AIDS and human Insulin. He also performs with a variety of music legends including Meatloaf’s singer and Ozzy Osbourne’s guitarist, learning from the boardroom to the boardwalk. He brings his business background into intimate contact with parallel ideas from the worlds of music and science in his work.

“Packed with invaluable insights that any entrepreneur or business leader will readily recognise and be able to leverage in their activities. Brain Based Enterprises highlights the value in harnessing the abilities of those around you, whether on a collective or global basis, in addressing the challenges of the era”

Professor Peter Childs, Imperial College London

For a raucously good interview on the future and other business paradoxes please contact us on 07725 927585 or via e-mail

Brain Based Enterprises is available to order via

Brain Based Enterprises: Harmonising the Head, Heart and Soul of Business By Peter Cook

ISBN: 9781138036741 (hardback) | 226 Pages | £30.00 | 18th May 2018

For enquiries or review copies please contact:

About the Author:

Peter Cook leads Human Dynamics and The Academy of Rock, a creativity and innovation consultancy. Blending business, science and music, the authors background is in developing life-saving drugs, including the first HIV/AIDS treatment and human insulin. He is the author of eight books and a writer for Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin brand.