How to ask for help in a go-it-alone culture

Left to our own devices, we’re not very good at doing what we say we’ll do. Whether we set out to learn a new language, take up a musical instrument, get in shape or any type of pursuit, we too often give up before achieving our goal. But, according to Leo Bottary, a thought leader on the power of peers, when we make our aspirations known to others and enlist their support, we’re more likely to succeed in achieving our goals.
Bottary is author of the new book, What Anyone Can Do: How Surrounding Yourself with the Right People Will Drive Change, Opportunity, and Personal Growth (Routledge, Sept. 3, 2018), which describes how we can benefit from involving friends, family members and colleagues in realizing our dreams. Most of us find it awkward to reach out to others for help or advice — in part, because we’re conditioned to see life as an individual pursuit rather than a team sport. Bottary dispels the idea that seeking assistance is a sign of weakness. Instead, he shares the growing trend toward viewing vulnerability as a strength, and toward realizing opportunities that arise from supporting and learning from each other.
Throughout What Anyone Can Do, Bottary includes excerpts from interviews conducted with renowned leaders for a weekly podcast called Year of the Peer with Leo Bottary.
His guests’ insights reinforce his message that the people who surround us can matter to our success and happiness if we would just ask them.
Bottary explores the advantages of enlisting the support of peers, organizational teams, mentors and others in ways that encourage and challenge us, and won’t allow us to fail. He shares:
- How success doesn’t necessitate superhuman feats, but simply a willingness to do the everyday things anyone can do
- How a growing mistrust of institutions has led people to turn to each other to make sense of the world
- How individual roles in the workplace are transforming into a culture or teamwork
- How CEOs who participate in peer groups are more likely to cultivate a collaborative work environment
- How having a “people plan” can ensure individual and organizational success
What Anyone Can Do emphasizes how we learn better when we learn together. By staying curious and engaging others, we become more open to possibilities, new ideas and diverse perspectives. Surrounding ourselves with people who support us in our goals will pay off organizationally and individually, and lead to richer, more fulfilling lives.
“We’re simply not working and playing well with others nearly as well as we could.” — Leo Bottary
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About the Author:
Leo Bottary is an author, keynote speaker, workshop facilitator and thought leader on the topic of peer advantage. During his tenure at Vistage Worldwide, Leo directed a thought leadership initiative on the power of peers in business, which resulted in a book he coauthored with Leon Shapiro, The Power of Peers: How the Company You Keep Drives Leadership, Growth & Success.
His new book, What Anyone Can Do: How Surrounding Yourself with the Right People Will Drive Change, Opportunity, and Personal Growth (Routledge, Sept. 3, 2018), makes the case for surrounding yourself with the right people to realize more out of business and life. Leo serves as an instructor for Rutgers and Northeastern universities. Learn more at
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