Introducing Routledge Open Research

Open for submissions from 14th April 2022
The much-anticipated new Routledge Open Research platform has now officially launched and is open for submissions.
The open research publishing platform is the first to offer authors across the Arts, Humanities, Behavioral and Social Sciences a dedicated, interdisciplinary venue to disseminate a wide range of outputs fully open access. Alongside the Platform launch itself, Routledge Open Research is publishing a unique set of data guidelines specifically for HSS researchers.
Utilizing F1000’s innovation and technology, this venture will enhance Routledge’s offering by providing a streamlined publishing experience, enabling authors to publish all their research outputs quickly, openly, and transparently. The main aim of this innovative Platform is to further support the Arts, Humanities, Behavioral and Social Science communities’ mission to influence research, policy, and practice to make a real-world impact.
Routledge Open Research offers a fully open and transparent post-publication peer-review process. There are many benefits to an open peer review model but the most prominent for Routledge Open Research is the two-way communication between the author and reviewers. These interactions promote a constructive tone, remove editorial bias, and provide learning opportunities for a new generation of upcoming reviewers.
Routledge Open Research will host a range of content types, including but not limited to peer-reviewed Research Articles, Policy Briefs, Method Articles, and Case Studies which will ensure authors can tell the full story of their research. All content types will be published open access, meaning they are free for anyone to read, share, and cite adding further credibility, collaboration, and trust to findings. Scholars will soon also benefit from the new publishing concept called Open Plus Books which will allow authors and book editors to publish chapters open access within just a few days of submission. which will allow authors and book editors to publish chapters open access within just a few days of submission.
“This is a very exciting launch for us, with the open research concept still relatively novel to Arts, Humanities and Social Science scholars. Researchers in those fields will have the opportunity to publish a range of formats on the platform. In addition, the value and scholarly contribution of each individual article can be tracked via Altmetrics. The early collections that we have launched showcase the community-led approach to themed article collections that we will foster on the platform. Using that model, we intend on positioning Routledge Open Research as a leader in interdisciplinary HSS open research publishing.”
Gearóid Ó Faoleán, Routledge Open Research Publisher