Taylor & Francis Expands its Partnership with the American Nuclear Society to Launch an F1000 Platform, ‘Nuclear Science and Technology Open Research’

The American Nuclear Society’s (ANS) open research publishing venue Nuclear Science and Technology Open Research (NSTOR), in partnership with open research publisher F1000 (a subsidiary of Taylor & Francis), officially opened for submissions today.
Speaking of the launch, ANS’ Executive Director/CEO, Craig Piercy, said: “We are thrilled to see NSTOR launch today. Open research is a significant and growing trend in the publishing world, and this new Platform allows ANS members to publish quality content freely available for the public. The benefits of open research are clear, which is why ANS is ecstatic to be a leader in the physical sciences by embracing a fully open research publishing option to support and grow our community.”
NSTOR has adopted F1000’s open research publishing model which offers researchers the opportunity to share any sound research output from any stage of the research lifecycle. Submission allows for rapid publication of research in just a few weeks, thereby accelerating the dissemination of knowledge and the pace of new discoveries. Open, post-publication peer review aims to promote the transparency and rigor of the review and revision process, further promoting transparency and improving the quality of peer review discourse.
Once the research output is published, all content on NSTOR is available to researchers, teachers, journalists — anyone and everyone — free of charge. Research that passes peer review will be indexed in major databases, such as Scopus. Alongside the ability to publish any research output, aiding further discovery and knowledge building, NSTOR will feature Gateways (a dedicated space on the publishing hub for each professional division of the Society) and Collections (compilations of related, topical research). A generous, sustaining donation from ANS member Sushil C. Jain, P.E., has allowed ANS to bring this plan from idea to reality.
ANS Publications Director John Fabian commented: “NSTOR allows each ANS professional division to have its own ‘Gateway’ that could contain content from members in those fields. These professional division Gateways are places that allow for the transfer of knowledge within divisions, a place for established professionals to share work with the younger generation in the nuclear community, as well as a place for young members to publish their early research and get feedback from more established members of their professional division.
Fabian added: “I firmly believe that adopting open research publishing is integral to sustaining ANS publishing activities into the future. With the support of our members, our donor Mr. Jain, and F1000, we can make ANS a more open, inclusive, and supportive publishing community for the next generation of engineers and scientists.”
Find out more about Nuclear Science and Technology Open Research and submit your research.