Book publication announcement

Routledge author Allyson Stewart-Allen to speak at Frankfurt Book Fair

Co-author of bestselling book Working With Americans, Allyson Stewart-Allen is set to speak at the world’s largest trade fair for books, Frankfurt Book Fair on Thursday 17th October at 4pm on the International Stage (Hall 5.1) on Insights Into Profitable Negotiations.

Anybody who has ever done business with Americans can testify that there are more differences than similarities between the US business culture and those in the rest of the world. Whether related to values, etiquette, communication, influencing or negotiating, there’s a clear American style. How you go about building successful and profitable business relationships in the US should be guided by the many important lessons and insights offered in this essential reference guide.

In Working with Americans, authors Allyson Stewart-Allen and Lanie Denslow capture the current US business environment in this second edition, providing you with a deeper understanding of America’s business mindset, diversity and regions so you can confidently navigate this large, complex and profit-making economy.

Whether new to working with Americans or an experienced internationalist, this book will serve as your ready reference for connecting with US colleagues, clients, customers or consultants. You’ll discover what drives American informality, schedules and the desire to combine fun with business.

Each independent chapter allows you to dip into specific topics or sections that interest you. All are grounded in evidence-based research on cross-cultural working, behavioral science and leadership. It’s the ultimate guide for busy business leaders regardless of sector or company size.

“The business world is in a state of turbulence crossing all boundaries. Yet America, despite it all, remains consistent in its unique way of approaching opportunities….an openness to ideas, a somewhat chaotic process of vetting them, and a hope that each will uncover a rainbow at the end. Working with Americans will help you decode this journey and give you invaluable insights on how best to participate successfully on it.” – Gary E Knell, Chairman, National Geographic Partners

For more information about Allyson’s Frankfurt Book Fair talk, visit

To find out more about Working With Americans, visit

Publication Data:

Working with Americans: How to Build Profitable Business Relationships is available to pre-order via the Routledge website:

Hb: 9780367196707

Estimated pub date: 5th November 2019

224 pages


12 B/W Illus.


About the Authors:

Allyson Stewart-Allen is a renowned advisor, author, speaker and educator whose expertise in brand internationalisation is sought by leading businesses globally through her consultancy, publications, appearances, mentoring and corporate education. She has advised more than 200 businesses in 26 countries and is a frequent keynote speaker at international conferences. Allyson applies her extensive international consulting experience, MBA education and languages to the company she founded, International Marketing Partners.

Lanie Denslow is a leading author, speaker and advisor on how culture shapes business practices around the world. She is the founder and principal of World Wise Intercultural Training & Resources, providing coaching and customized programs to enhance clients’ cultural awareness and ability to navigate a multicultural, global business environment. She has conducted seminars for global business leaders and organizations in the US, China, Germany, Russia and England.