Taylor & Francis and China Social Science Press launch Routledge Handbook of the Belt and Road

Taylor & Francis and CSSP are proud to announce the publication of Routledge Handbook of the Belt and Road, which was launched at Jesus College, Cambridge on 17th June 2019.
Routledge Handbook of the Belt and Road is an initial review of the theory and practice of BRI and is the first handbook of its kind. Contributors are leading subject researchers, aiming to reflect the original intentions and principles, history and current situation, basic knowledge and latest studies.
The book launch included speeches from both editors, CAI Fang, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Prof. Peter Nolan, Director, China Centre, Jesus College, University of Cambridge and from both publishers ZHAO Jianying, President of China Social Sciences Press and Jeremy North, Managing Director (Books), Taylor & Francis. The full day event included a multidisciplinary seminar with eminent scholars from China and the UK covering a diverse range of topics impacted by the BRI.
“This Handbook is a wonderful example of dialogue and cooperation between scholars in China and the West. It is an example of the deepening partnership between CSSP and Routledge – two of the world’s great publishers. It is at the heart of our mission to explain, and to connect people across countries and cultures,” says Jeremy North.
Routledge Handbook of Belt and Road is available via Routledge.com www.routledge.com/9780367195267.
For more information or to request a review copy, please contact: rebecca.shand@tandf.co.uk
About the Editors:
Cai Fang is Professor of Economics, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and President of National Institute for Global Strategy (NIGS), China.
Peter Nolan is Professor of Chinese Development and Director of the Centre of Development Studies, University of Cambridge, UK.