Taylor & Francis news

Taylor & Francis Group transformative partnerships


Taylor & Francis Group has reached several transformative agreements with consortia across Europe, as it continues to expand its commitment to open access. Academics in The Netherlands, Spain, Hungary, and Austria will benefit from ‘read and publish’ partnerships signed in recent months.

Carolyn Kirby, open access Business Development Director at Taylor & Francis, says: “We are committed to open access and proactive in working to solve research communications challenges. Our agreements with European partners support national policies and funder requirements. Taylor & Francis Group is proud to support academics to open up their research, extend its reach and ensure it has impact.”

A renewed three-year deal with the national consortium of 14 Dutch universities, the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), means academics from both universities and university medical centres can publish open access without paying article publishing charges. They will also have access to articles across the Taylor & Francis Group journal portfolio.

The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) has partnered for three years in an agreement that covers access to Taylor & Francis Group journals and open access publication for Spanish researchers without having to pay direct article publishing charges. CSIC is the largest public institution dedicated to research in Spain and the third largest in Europe.

In Hungary and Austria, the Central European University has renewed its read and publish deal. Known for excellence in teaching and research, students and academics can read content from across the Taylor & Francis Group and researchers can publish open access in its journals with no fees.

In recent years, Taylor & Francis Group has converted over 50 journals to open access and has acquired F1000 Research, a fully open publishing platform. They offer a variety of open access publishing options to meet the needs of each author, with rapid online publication and high visibility and discoverability for published research.



Jennifer McMillan:  jennifer.mcmillan@tandf.co.uk