The AXA Research Fund launches open research publishing hub with F1000

Today, the AXA Research Fund announces the launch of its own publishing hub with F1000, part of Taylor & Francis. The hub is hosted on F1000’s own platform, F1000Research, and adopts its pioneering approach to open research publishing.
Supporting the AXA Research Fund’s purpose to accelerate science, the AXA Research Fund Gateway will enable all research outputs to be published and will combine the benefits of pre-printing with mechanisms to assure quality and transparency. These include invited and open post-publication peer review, article versioning, archiving and indexing. The Gateway also endorses the FAIR Data Principles, enabling authors to share their underlying data and supporting materials, further accelerating the pace of discovery, providing credit and recognition for all contributors, and ultimately improving public trust in research.
Marie Bogataj, Director of the AXA Research Fund and Group Foresight said:
“At the AXA Research Fund, we believe that providing free and unrestricted access to the scientific outputs of the research we support underpins a fundamental part of our mission to disseminate science. To support our community of over 650 researchers, we have partnered with F1000 to establish the AXA Research Fund open research Gateway, which permits open, rapid, and transparent publishing of all research outputs. Through our commitment to open research, we hope to accelerate the scientific research necessary to address the planet’s major challenges.”
The AXA Research Fund Gateway provides a dedicated space for researchers currently or previously funded by the AXA Research Fund to publish any outputs from their research including Research Articles, Reviews, Case Reports, Study Protocols, Software Tool Articles, Data Notes, as well as documents, posters and slides. The Gateway welcomes research around new technologies with potential applications in three key areas: Environment, Health and Socioeconomics.
Rebecca Lawrence, Managing Director, F1000 said:
“The new AXA Research Fund Gateway is enabling their researchers to really maximize the value, impact and reach of their research outputs, as well as of the funding itself. This is a significant step for the AXA Research Fund in advancing its core principles and open access policy whilst also crystalizing its commitment to FAIR Data Principles. We at F1000 are privileged to be chosen to accompany them on their open research journey.”
The AXA Research Fund Gateway is now open for submissions: All AXA-funded researchers are eligible to publish on the Gateway. At least one author on a submitted article must be a fellow of the AXA Research Fund and may be asked on submission to confirm their affiliation. All published articles must be in relation to the author’s AXA-funded project, and they must be published in English.