The Ohio State University ‘leads the way’ with new Taylor & Francis open access agreement

The Ohio State University Libraries and Taylor & Francis Group announced that they have entered into a read and publish agreement. This partnership is Ohio State’s first read and publish agreement and Taylor & Francis’s first such deal in North America.
“Open access fosters collaboration and propels innovation,” said Damon E. Jaggars, Vice Provost and Dean, University Libraries. “This agreement helps ensure that scholarship remains accessible and affordable while supporting research at Ohio State that addresses complex societal issues – the essence of a land grant research university.”
“The Ohio State University is leading the way with this investment in open access,” said Jeff Voci, Senior Vice President & Commercial Lead at Taylor & Francis. “We’re delighted to have worked with them to develop a solution which meets their ambitious open publishing aims, while ensuring that Ohio State researchers and students have continued access to all the cutting-edge research they need.”
Beginning in July 2020, the three-year agreement gives the Ohio State community ongoing access to Taylor & Francis’s collection of more than 2,300 journals. It also covers the open access publishing costs of articles published by Ohio State authors in Taylor & Francis journals.
Taylor & Francis works with institutional partners to make it possible for them to Choose Open by creating sustainable agreements that increase choices for authors and maximize the global impact of their research.
The agreement aligns with The Ohio State University Libraries’ goal to “remove the barriers that the current scholarly publishing model creates for researchers” and helps ensure researchers have access to scholarship crucial for their work.
For more information, please contact:
Mark Robinson, Communications Manager
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About The Ohio State University Libraries
The Ohio State University Libraries aspires to be the leading research library advancing the educational, research, and engagement missions of a public, land grant institution. University Libraries promotes innovative research and creative expression, advances effective teaching, curates and preserves information essential for scholarship and learning at Ohio State, and shares knowledge and culture with the people of Ohio, the nation, and the world. The Ohio State University Libraries is on the web at
About Taylor & Francis Group
Taylor & Francis Group partners with researchers, scholarly societies, universities and libraries worldwide to bring knowledge to life. As one of the world’s leading publishers of scholarly journals, books, ebooks and reference works our content spans all areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioral Sciences, Science, Technology and Medicine.