Book publication announcement

U.S. Businesses Missing Out on Huge Market, CEO Warns – But Here’s How to Tap Into it

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Businesses across the United States are missing out on the booming Hispanic market and its potential for business growth, an award-winning CEO warns.

The Hispanic community make up more than 18% of the US population and is the second-largest ethnic group in the country – and yet many companies are not investing in unique marketing to this demographic.

Isaac Mizrahi, CEO of Hispanic advertising firm alma, has created a new guide to help businesses discover the power of the U.S. Hispanic market.

His book, Hispanic Market Power: America’s Business Growth Engine guides business leaders on one of the most relevant segments for marketing in America.

“It is time for businesses to move away from their preconceived notions of multicultural marketing and create an authentic and effective dialogue with Hispanic customers,” Mizrahi explains.

Tapping into the market

Hispanic Market Power provides a comprehensive guide to help businesses tap into the massive potential of the U.S. Hispanic market.

Mizrahi, a thought leader and industry champion in multicultural marketing and diversity equity and inclusion, draws on his vast experience as a corporate executive, agency CEO, and industry leader to uncover how companies can stimulate growth by moving away from preconceived notions and towards marketing effectively to Hispanic customers.

“Companies need to move away from mere representation and appeal to the lived experience of Hispanic communities,” Mizrahi explains. “And this approach will play dividends because there are various trends that show that the Hispanic community is growing, gaining more expendable capital and they are spending that capital on household goods.”

Pragmatic solutions

According to Mizrahi, the U.S. Hispanic population represents the most significant demographic growth in the country, and as such, U.S. corporations should make it a priority to center their existing and future strategies on this community.

In his book, he provides practical and pragmatic suggestions and recommendations to help businesses leverage the booming segment to drive sales.

Hispanic Market Power is a strategic business book created for other marketers and business leaders who want to succeed in the U.S.,” Mizrahi said. “The book serves as a crucial counterbalance to other published materials on the topic that possess little connection to day-to-day reality, and that have a more political standpoint.

“The book is filled with straightforward talk and illustrative case studies from companies such as McDonald’s, Pepsi, Coors Light, Kia, and many others – making it a must-read for any business looking to thrive in today’s multicultural society.”

To learn more about Hispanic Market Power, please visit