Working with Americans: Finalist in the International Book Awards 2021
June 30th, 2021 – Routledge is pleased to congratulate Allyson Stewart-Allen and Lanie Denslow as their book, “Working with Americans: How to Win in the World’s Biggest Market” has been named as a finalist in the Business Management and Leadership category in the International Book Awards 2021. With over 2,000 entries from around the world, the book was chosen as one of the 7 short-listed finalists.
The full list of categories including winners and finalists can be found here.
In their new, extensively updated second edition, authors Allyson Stewart-Allen and Lanie Denslow accurately capture the current US business environment and its changes since their best-selling 1st edition published in 2002. You’ll find even more insights into the American business mindset, diversity and regions building on the acclaimed first edition so you can confidently negotiate, communicate and influence in the world’s largest, most profitable and complex marketplace.
Alongside their examination of the impact of 5 generations in today’s US workforce, the authors explore the complex issues faced by American bosses including:
- levels of transparency expected of organizations in how they do business, equal pay expectations or the personal views of their executives on environmental, social, governance or political events
- ever declining workforce loyalty resulting from perceived job insecurity
- younger employees’ quest for visibility, interesting projects and rapid promotion
- consumer and customer expectations as standard for extensive personalization and customization of products and services
To find out more information about the International Book Awards, visit
A few words from the authors and their editor:
“It is a great honour to have made this list of finalists given the immense competition from around the globe. Knowing that the judges also see the importance of ensuring international business leaders can capably influence, negotiate and communicate with my US colleagues is a great vote of confidence.”—Allyson Stewart-Allen
“Having our book on the list of finalist in the International Book Awards is certainly an honor. We are pleased that the judges recognize the contribution our book makes to ensuring business leaders understand the unique American business culture and are able to successfully compete in our complex and competitive marketplace.”—Lanie Denslow
“We are delighted that Working with Americans, 2
e has been shortlisted in the Business Management and Leadership category of the International Book Awards 2021, and congratulations to Allyson and Lanie for writing a ground-breaking book that has had such a positive impact on how we understand American business culture.” –Rebecca Marsh, Publisher, Routledge
Working with Americans: How to Build Profitable Business Relationships is available to order via the Routledge website
About the Authors:
Allyson Stewart-Allen is a renowned advisor, author, speaker and educator whose expertise in brand internationalisation is sought by leading businesses globally through her consultancy, publications, appearances, mentoring and corporate education. She has advised more than 200 businesses in 26 countries and is a frequent keynote speaker at international conferences. Allyson applies her extensive international consulting experience, MBA education and languages to the company she founded, International Marketing Partners.
Lanie Denslow is a leading author, speaker and advisor on how culture shapes business practices around the world. She is the founder and principal of World Wise Intercultural Training & Resources, providing coaching and customized programs to enhance clients’ cultural awareness and ability to navigate a multicultural, global business environment. She has conducted seminars for global business leaders and organizations in the US, China, Germany, Russia and England.
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MEDIA CONTACT: Kristie Rees, Marketing Assistant